Ingatlan keresőX

Personalized market analyses and feasibility studies

Why choose Otthon Centrum's analyses?

The changed economic and financing environment has posed new challenges to the entire real estate market, including property developers. The increased risk of residential property developments can be managed with thorough market analysis, studies accurately measuring supply and demand. The hunger for information among market players is palpable, starting from households conducting a one-time home purchase, through investors exploiting market conditions, to property developers. Therefore, the Analysis Division of Otthon Centrum continuously monitors market trends, relying on the accumulated sales experience and database within Otthon Centrum's nationwide franchise network, its own regular market research, and purchasable primary data from the market.

Our decades of sales experience, coupled with an accurate understanding and monitoring of the latest market trends, are at our clients' service.

Otthon Centrum is the most recognized residential property marketing and consulting company in Hungary. As one of the best-known companies on the Hungarian market, with the most extensive information about it and an extensive network of contacts among market players, we can do a lot to support the preparatory phase of your property development, investment, or lending, helping you make good decisions and succeed in the market.

What arguments are there for a comprehensive market analysis?

  1. In the burgeoning property development market, the role of preliminary real estate market analyses is becoming increasingly important.
  2. By using the analysis services of Hungary's most recognized residential property marketing company, you gain a clear competitive advantage in substantiating your decisions.
  3. Through our unique market knowledge, we provide a comprehensive view of every aspect of supply and demand, the needs of buyers and renters, and the competitive situation in every segment of the market.
  4. Over the past ten years, about ninety property developers, financiers, and market researchers have used our service.

What questions can the analysis answer?

We build and prepare each analysis individually, tailored to the Client's needs. In addition to specific questions, we can also provide answers to the following questions within the framework of the analysis:

Market information

  • What are the economic framework conditions of the residential property market?

  • What impact does government housing policy have on demand? What is the current regulation and what changes are expected?

  • What are the general trends of supply and demand in Budapest/nationally?

  • What population, migration, demographic trends characterize the market?

  • What submarkets can be distinguished based on geographical location and type of property?

    • What are their characteristics (prices, products, services, etc.)? What are the typical new developments in each submarket? What are the successful products?

    • What search preferences can characterize potential buyers or renters in the various market segments?

  • Where and why is a change in demand expected?

  • What market gaps can be outlined? Where and with what product/concept is it advisable to appear on the market?

Location-related information

  • What is the infrastructural provision and prestige of the area? How does it fit into the urban fabric? What changes are expected in this?

  • What demographic (population, migration, age structure, etc.) processes characterize the catchment area?

  • What housing construction (development of the housing stock, developers, sizes of apartments, etc.) processes characterize the catchment area?

  • What competing projects are currently being built or are planned in the catchment area?

    • What are their main parameters (developer, prices, sizes, services, etc.)?

  • What kind of apartments are potential buyers looking for in the area? What are their needs?

  • According to all these market factors, as well as the building regulations and preliminary plans, what product do we recommend for the given plot (apartment mix, prices, services, quality, equipment, image, etc.)?

Expert proposal for the development concept

  • What target groups can be identified for the planned project

  • What are the needs and expectations of the target group

  • Formulating a product concept related to the needs, suggestions:

    • on apartment mix

    • on equipment levels and quality

    • on services

    • on sales prices, rental fees

    • on sales times

Our references

The following companies have been assisted by us with market analyses and feasibility studies to successfully carry out their real estate development projects:

CD Hungary, IRES, Dorottya Ingatlanforgalmazó, Ecorys Magyarország, Colliers, Magyar Külkereskedelmi Bank, Cushman & Wakefield Healey & Baker, Insite, Cap Investment, GTC, Gestor, Hexeris, Transelektro, Beák és Társa Ingatlaniroda, Engel Group, Tavasz Invest, Zenith-2004, B&MV, Ernst & Young, FH Invest, Futureal, Neocity, Fimcoop, GE Real Estate Europe, Construcciones Juanes, Commercium, Budapesti Ingatlan Rt., FHB Földhitel- és Jelzálogbank, Ambiente-Otthon, Gizella Malom Kft., Hexacon, Jacoby Kft., Eston International, Pro-Hill Kft., Sami B Házak Kft., CB Richard Ellis, Neinver, Skanska, Térplan, K&H Bank, Grupo Lar, Nagar Kaduri, Gestesa, Rév8, ING Real Estate, Bouwfonds, Hibtrade, Casaro, Sedesa, Aphium, Tomlin, Felikon, Projekt Kontroll, HILD, Isaura, Echo Investment, Wallis Ingatlan, Econovum Akadémia, Ficsór Autóház, M.B.F. Hills, Sando Inmobiliaria, Merrill Lynch, Rivál 98, Tamir Fishman, Mytaros, AFI Europe, Orco, Silver Fish, Volumetric, Gerson Lehrman Group, UCB Ingatlanhitel Zrt., Öböl Kft., Deák & Deák Kft., ABLON, ERSTE Group Immorent, Atrium Centers, Cordia, CEU Property, Armcorp Zrt., Plaza Centers, CPI Hungary, Buszer Zrt., Crown Gardens Kft., Dunamenti Zrt.



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