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Price Guarantee Commission – Why Choose Us!

We guarantee that no one else will sell your property at a higher price than us, or if they do, we pay: it's as great as it sounds!

What is Price Guarantee*?

If the property sells for the advertised price or higher after the expiration of the mandate, we pay – up to half a million forints!

When signing the contract, you can choose between two options:

  • If the property is sold by you or someone else within one month after the expiration of the mandate, at least for the advertised price at the time of the mandate, we pay 500,000 Ft.
  • If the property is sold by you or someone else within two months after the expiration of the mandate, at least for the advertised price at the time of the mandate, we pay 250,000 Ft.

*Detailed conditions can be downloaded here: Price Guarantee Terms and Conditions 2022

So essentially, you can only benefit: either we sell your property lightning-fast, or someone else sells it a bit slower, but then we pay you. And not a small amount.

Sound good? Of course! Contact us at one of our points of contact, and we'll find the ideal solution for you!