2600 Vác
, Földváry tér 6.
H-P: 9:00-16:00, Szombat, vasárnap: ZÁRVA
They Told About Me
10 points
Pintérné Nagy Alexandra
10 points
F. Cecilia
10 points
Bosnyák Zoltán Józsefné
10 points
G. Terézia
10 points
Holzmüller Zsuzsanna
10 points
Holzmüller Péter
1 points
Ó. László
10 points
B. Péter
10 points
Duka Árpád
10 points
B. Brigitta
10 points
I. Éva
10 points
Havasi Andrea
10 points
Nagy Gábor Sándor
10 points
Fodorné Krisztina
10 points
Koppány Judit Dóra
10 points
T. Réka
10 points
Vadas György
10 points
D. András
1 points
Szilva Borbála
10 points
Mák József
My Fees and Awards
Suburban Consultant of the Month
2nd Place
2024. January
My Completed Courses
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Social media real estate ads management
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate presentation video
- General home advisor