2000 Szentendre
, Dunakanyar krt. 3.
H-Cs: 9-17 P: 9-13
They Told About Me
10 points
T. Ágnes
9 points
Krecsmarik Margit
10 points
V. Tímea
10 points
A. László
10 points
Erdős Mária
10 points
Lévai Erzsébet
10 points
Partiné Fekete Zsuzsanna
10 points
Princz Andrea
10 points
Sebestyén György
10 points
D. K. Katalin
10 points
P. Antal
1 points
D. Szilárd
10 points
H. Gergely
10 points
E. Zsolt
10 points
K. Gábor
8 points
D. Sándorné
My Fees and Awards
Suburban Consultant of the Month
1st Place
2023. April
My Completed Courses
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- High-value non-residential properties and new construction project properties