1041 Budapest IV. kerület
, Erzsébet utca 51.
Hétfő - Péntek: 10-16, Szombat: zárva
They Told About Me
10 points
K. Ferenc
10 points
V. László
10 points
Lancsin Zsuzsanna/Menner Ákos
10 points
Valkó Bence
10 points
H. Gizella
10 points
Füstös Sándor
10 points
Kornis Kálmán
10 points
Sztán Gabriella Erika
10 points
Horváth Andrea
10 points
Tóth Balázs
10 points
Gál Attila
10 points
S. G. Anna
10 points
Fógel Kristóf
10 points
Pál Kázmérné
1 points
Laukó Balázs
10 points
Oldal Natália
10 points
S. Attila
10 points
Solymosi Attila
10 points
Fodor János
10 points
P. Árpád
My Fees and Awards
Budapest Consultant of the Month
3rd Place
2023. April
My Completed Courses
- Self-knowledge
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Negotiation techniques
- Creating a real estate presentation video
- General home advisor