1136 Budapest XIII. kerület
, Hegedűs Gyula utca 11.
H-P: 9-18
They Told About Me
10 points
Blaumann Edit
10 points
Jakimov Nikolett
10 points
B. Lívia
10 points
Takács Gábor
10 points
dr Boros Gábor
10 points
Somogyi Máté
10 points
K. László
10 points
Paulinusz Brúnó
1 points
Benkő Balázs
9 points
Z. Á. János
10 points
Takács Orsolya
10 points
Kopitz Claudia
10 points
K. C. Veronika
10 points
Szabó Vilma Márta
10 points
Vadász Edit
10 points
Frankhauzer Ádám
10 points
B. Tamás
10 points
Fitala József
10 points
Marianna Patalano
10 points
Szklenár Beáta
My Completed Courses
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- High-value non-residential properties and new construction project properties