8647 Balatonmáriafürdő
, Keszeg utca 12.
Hétfő - Péntek 09.00- 18.00
They Told About Me
10 points
Molnár Ferenc
10 points
Szilágyi Berta Ildikó
10 points
Spitzer Norbert
10 points
Kőszeginé Bernadett
10 points
Szél Mariann
10 points
R. Anita
10 points
S. Tamás
10 points
Szabó Lajosné
10 points
Klenovics Endre
10 points
Bánhidi Ágnes
1 points
Dukai Ervin
10 points
Buzinszki Attila
10 points
Csontos Adrienn
10 points
V. Ferenc
10 points
Joó László
10 points
Pálfi László
3 points
Nagy Dániel
1 points
Karvalics László
10 points
Kalocsa Krisztián
10 points
Koska Dávid
My Fees and Awards
Rural Consultant of the Year
1st Place
Rural Consultant of the Year
1st Place
Rural Consultant of the Year
3rd Place
My Completed Courses
- Office management training
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Advanced management training
- Negotiation techniques