1036 Budapest III. kerület
, Lajos u. 93-99.
Hétfőtől - Péntekig: 9:00-18:00
They Told About Me
10 points
G. Terézia
10 points
K. Szabó Gábor
10 points
Baranyiné Sásdi Susanne
9 points
Budavári Béla
10 points
B. S. Noémi
10 points
Munka Mónika Magdolna
10 points
K. József
10 points
Kondor Nikolett
10 points
R. Petra
10 points
Magic Home Invest Kft
9 points
K. Éva
10 points
Somogyiné Jendrusák Melinda
10 points
Makó Klára
10 points
Somogyi Zoltán
10 points
J. Huiying
1 points
Szabó Andrea
2 points
K. Z. Lászlóné
10 points
K. Barna
10 points
R. Miklós
My Completed Courses
- Self-knowledge
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Negotiation techniques
- High-value non-residential properties and new construction project properties
- General home advisor
- Home expert university training