They Told About Me
10 points
Frank Ringeisen
10 points
Zákányi Edvárd, Zákányi Ilona Erzsébet
10 points
V. Schneiderer
10 points
Illés Alexandra
10 points
Lorschy Bence
10 points
Kalányos Krisztián
10 points
Drexel Alfons
10 points
Király Marianna
10 points
Zalamek Tamás
10 points
Tóth Anikó Irén
10 points
Kondákor Zoltán
10 points
M. Emilné
10 points
Hompót Anett Mária
10 points
Peter Osthoff, Joachim Layer
10 points
Makovics József
10 points
H. Istvánné
10 points
Lang Zsuzsanna
10 points
Amthor Maria Anita
10 points
Müller Irén
3 points
Carsten Baumann
My Completed Courses
- Negotiation techniques
- Google Ads real estate ads management training
- Social media real estate ads management
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- General home advisor