9022 Győr
, Batthyány tér 6.
H - P: 9.00-18.00 h
They Told About Me
10 points
Inzsöl Nikolasz
10 points
Kozma Róbertné
10 points
Kósa Péter
10 points
D. Csilla
10 points
Szabó Zsolt
10 points
Kissné Lőrinczy Alexandra
10 points
M. Milán
10 points
Eőry Gábor
10 points
Forizs-Szőke Katalin - Forizs Ferenc
10 points
Karip Attila
10 points
Séllyei Adrienn
10 points
Geiring Tímea
10 points
N. V. Judit
10 points
Beke - Kósa Klaudia
10 points
B. Éva
10 points
Makk Gyuláné
10 points
T. Rebeka
10 points
B. H. Mariann
10 points
Csehi Zoltán
10 points
Korsós András
My Fees and Awards
Rural Consultant of the Month
2nd Place
2024. September
Rural Consultant of the Month
3rd Place
2023. December
My Completed Courses
- Management training
- Office management training
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Management integration training
- High-value non-residential properties and new construction project properties