4025 Debrecen
, Hatvan utca 22.fsz.1.
H-P: 9-17
They Told About Me
10 points
Topa Jenő
10 points
Balázsy Alida
10 points
Markus László
1 points
Dr. Buris László
10 points
T. Lászlóné
10 points
Balogh József
10 points
D. Ö. Konrád
10 points
Szarvas Krisztina
1 points
Laczi Fanni
10 points
Tar László
10 points
Hahn Csaba
10 points
Kovács Zoltán
10 points
Varga Béla
10 points
Veress Katalin
10 points
Molnár János Imre
10 points
G. Józsefné
10 points
S. Csaba
10 points
Berzi János
10 points
Szőke János
10 points
M. Judit
My Completed Courses
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- General home advisor