9022 Győr
, Batthyány tér 6.
H - P: 9.00-18.00 h
They Told About Me
10 points
Ponácz György Márk
10 points
S. Dániel
10 points
B. Ferencné
10 points
Pintér Ádám
1 points
B. Ú. T. Rozália
10 points
Verebics Dániel
10 points
Veres János
10 points
Kiss Máté
9 points
Pleesz Jánosné
10 points
Brillné Horváth Mariann
10 points
Antal Károlyné
9 points
C. Klaudia
10 points
Fegyverneki Anna Mária
10 points
Zalai Orsolya
10 points
G. Judit
10 points
Bakó Ágota
10 points
Z. Ferenc
10 points
Farkasné Csortos Éva
10 points
S. Barbara
10 points
Borsodi Enikő
My Completed Courses
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Self-knowledge
- Negotiation techniques
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- General home advisor