They Told About Me
10 points
Farkas Ágnes
10 points
Gubicza Katalin
10 points
Polgár Zoltán
10 points
S. Anna
10 points
Kócs István
10 points
Kollárné Jánoki Anna
2 points
V. Zsófia
10 points
Fekete Tamás
10 points
Papp János
10 points
Tölgyi Orsolya
10 points
Mézes András
5 points
O. P. Ciprián
10 points
Szántó Diana
10 points
Belovári Edit
10 points
Tóth Lajosné
5 points
B. Dániel
10 points
Tudor Florina
10 points
Szijártó Ervin
My Completed Courses
- Self-knowledge
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- General home advisor