4028 Debrecen
, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 23-25./A
They Told About Me
9 points
M. Andrea
10 points
Tóthné Koszorus Katalin
10 points
Gazsó Sándor Józsefné
10 points
Molnár Erika
10 points
Stróbel Róbert
10 points
B. Angéla
10 points
Patrik Conevalic
10 points
Panait Péter
10 points
Barad János
10 points
M. Sándor
10 points
Szoboszlai Balázs
10 points
Erdélyi Attila
10 points
Haber Anna
10 points
Buti Margareta Lucia
10 points
S. Aletta
10 points
Király-Bolla Alexandra
10 points
Kiss Zoltánné
8 points
Nemes Zoltán
10 points
Törő Imre
10 points
Kondor Gábor
My Completed Courses
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Negotiation techniques
- General home advisor