1148 Budapest XIV. kerület
, Vezér u. 147/B.
H-P 9:00 – 18:00
They Told About Me
10 points
Antal Ádám
9 points
Bodnár Viktor
10 points
Makai Noémi
10 points
Dezső Klaudia
10 points
Dr. Gujás Erika
10 points
Thury Eszter Zita
10 points
Radóczi Zoltánné
1 points
Krajczár Mihály
9 points
V. Géza
10 points
S. Ágnes
10 points
B. Tímea
10 points
S. Eszter
10 points
Bereczki Tamás
10 points
Szegedi Ida Gizella
10 points
Csendes Krisztina
10 points
Rözge Bulcsú
4 points
T. Csilla
10 points
K. Dániel
10 points
Mózer Andrea
10 points
B. Boglárka
My Fees and Awards
Non-Budapest Consultant of the Year
3rd Place
My Completed Courses
- Google Ads real estate ads management training
- Self-knowledge
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- General home advisor
- Home expert university training