8360 Keszthely
, Kossuth Lajos utca 97
H-P.: 9.00.-17.30., Sz.: 9.00.-12.00.
They Told About Me
10 points
Hochschorner Ferenc
10 points
D. Attila
10 points
Kusztván Andrásné Júlia
1 points
P. Zoltán
1 points
Kiss Gabriella
10 points
Pásztori Gyula
10 points
S. Zsolt
10 points
Jenei Sándor
10 points
F. Márta
10 points
Taskó Henriett
10 points
B. Rita
1 points
Becker Beatrice
10 points
Borsos Ferenc
10 points
P. Katalin
9 points
Soltész István
10 points
K. Mariann
10 points
Faragó Ferenc Kornél
10 points
Antal György Lajos
10 points
Bíró József
10 points
Molnár Máté
My Fees and Awards
Rural Consultant of the Month
3rd Place
2023. April
My Completed Courses
- Office management training
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Advanced management training
- Management integration training
- Self-knowledge
- Negotiation techniques