They Told About Me
10 points
Kovácsné Péter Ilona
10 points
Lakatos Emese Szilvia
10 points
Medgyesi Margit
10 points
Lengyel Zsuzsanna
10 points
S. Judit
10 points
Ilie Dan
10 points
Békésiné Dr Borsó Beáta Andrea
10 points
Debreceni Andrea Zsuzsanna
10 points
Antal-Schultess Emőke
10 points
Dembrovschi Kinga
10 points
Z. Erzsébet
10 points
S. H. Adrienn
10 points
Varga-Tóth Zsófia
10 points
Oláh István János
10 points
Tamaga Antal
10 points
Móricz Péter
10 points
Boros Tibor
9 points
K. Hajnalka
1 points
B. Gusztáv
10 points
Majtényi Ferencné
My Completed Courses
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- General home advisor