1085 Budapest VIII. kerület
, József krt. 77-79.
H-P. 9-18
They Told About Me
10 points
Kaldenecker Erzsébet
10 points
Tóth Zoltán
10 points
B. Judit
10 points
Bencze Anita
10 points
N. Enikő
10 points
Erdős Erika
3 points
Barabás Eszter
10 points
Heidari Far Pouran
10 points
Markovits Erika
10 points
H. Tünde
10 points
Szolnokné Margit
10 points
Peszmeg Csilla
10 points
Lukács Balázs
10 points
K. György
10 points
Kabdebo Tamás
10 points
Steiner Beatrix
10 points
L. Erika
10 points
B. Péter
10 points
Y. Baranes
10 points
D. Bt.
My Completed Courses
- Negotiation techniques
- Google Ads real estate ads management training
- Social media real estate ads management
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Creating a real estate presentation video