They Told About Me
10 points
L. S. Szilvia
10 points
Hengl Lajos Györgyné
10 points
Tatai György
10 points
B. M. Csaba
10 points
N. Balázs
10 points
Bán Teréz
10 points
Nickl Magdolna
10 points
Törő Emőke
10 points
Major Kottmüller Ilona
10 points
Maszlavér Lászlóné
10 points
S. Csaba
10 points
Sáfrány Éva
10 points
W. Mónika
10 points
Simora Sándorné
10 points
Hunyadi Edina
10 points
Lengyelné Fenyvesi Mária Aranka
10 points
Klostermann Wilhelmus Eugenius Maria
10 points
Batiz Ildikó
10 points
K. Á. Istvánné
10 points
K. Ildikó
My Completed Courses
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Negotiation techniques
- Self-knowledge
- General home advisor