4025 Debrecen
, Hatvan utca 22.fsz.1.
H-P: 9-17
They Told About Me
10 points
Körei-Szincsák Anett
10 points
Kökényesdi Zsolt
10 points
Dr. Illés László
10 points
I. Petra
10 points
D. Tamás
10 points
S. Enikő
10 points
Miló Csaba
10 points
Á. Istvánné
10 points
Molnár Eleonóra
10 points
Szénási Györk
10 points
M. Sándor
10 points
Joó - Tamás Henrietta
10 points
Tóth Ferenc
10 points
D. Erzsébet
10 points
Máténé Sárvári Anikó
10 points
Radványi Zoltán
10 points
Szaniszló András
10 points
T. Mihály
10 points
G. Nagy Istvan
10 points
Horváth Gergő
My Fees and Awards
Rural Consultant of the Year
3rd Place
Rural Consultant of the Month
3rd Place
2022. December
My Completed Courses
- Social media real estate ads management
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate