3200 Gyöngyös
, Szent Bertalan u. 10.
hétfő - péntekig 09.00-16.00
They Told About Me
9 points
Szűcs Olga
10 points
Tóthné Koszteczky Hajnalka
10 points
Borocz Melinda
10 points
Tóth Dániel
10 points
Fülöp-Szabó Irén Réka
10 points
R. B. Beáta
10 points
Szatmári Andrea
10 points
Csontos Mária
10 points
K. Mihály
10 points
Sándor József
10 points
Szántó Ádám
10 points
Kövesiné Braun Rozália
10 points
Löwinger Gábor
9 points
Botos Attila
10 points
Trencsényi Sándorné
10 points
Gulyás Istvánné
10 points
Dr.Amin Mohammad
10 points
Máté András
10 points
Jakab Zsolt
5 points
M. Nándorné
My Completed Courses
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Negotiation techniques
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Google Ads real estate ads management training
- Social media real estate ads management
- Self-knowledge
- Creating a real estate presentation video
- Etiquette and protocol, business communication
- General home advisor
- Home expert university training