2600 Vác
, Földváry tér 6.
H-P: 9:00-16:00, Szombat, vasárnap: ZÁRVA
They Told About Me
10 points
E. Ádám
10 points
P. Boldizsár
10 points
Majthényi Katalin
10 points
Dunavölgyi Melitta
10 points
F. Tibor
10 points
N. Krisztián
10 points
Rákóczi Károlyné Erika
10 points
V. István
10 points
Schneider Szilvia
10 points
Farkas Tiborné
10 points
Molnár Zsolt
10 points
Szemán Fehér Viktória
10 points
Fehér Attila
10 points
Dani Kornél
10 points
Rogge-Gerstner Kinga
10 points
A. Tamás
10 points
Maruzsi Ákos
10 points
Szakály László
10 points
Havas Balázs Gábor
My Completed Courses
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Negotiation techniques
- Creating a real estate presentation video
- Social media real estate ads management
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- General home advisor