1221 Budapest XXII. kerület
, Mária Terézia u. 4
H-P: 9-18
They Told About Me
10 points
Dankó Ádám
10 points
A. Ágnes
10 points
A. Péter
10 points
Fülöp-Szabó Irén Réka
10 points
Alajtner Anna Zsuzsanna
10 points
Tassyné Szellák Gyöngyi
10 points
Bukovec Dániel
10 points
Kardos Gábor
10 points
D. Anna
10 points
N. Ágnes
10 points
Bekő Magdolna
10 points
Gönczi István
10 points
Lajos Ágnes
10 points
Balázs Ildikó
10 points
Erdőháti Ágnes
10 points
Kápolnási Zsolt Péter
10 points
H. Attiláné
10 points
Rózsi István Ferenc
10 points
Csörgő Ágota
10 points
Pócza Imréné
My Fees and Awards
Budapest Consultant of the Month
2nd Place
2022. May
My Completed Courses
- Negotiation techniques
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Google Ads real estate ads management training
- Social media real estate ads management
- Self-knowledge
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- General home advisor