7100 Szekszárd
, Széchenyi u. 61.
They Told About Me
10 points
Illés Mária
10 points
Budavári Krisztián
10 points
K. Gábor
10 points
Patkó András
10 points
L. B. -. L. M. Bernadett
9 points
F. Krisztina
1 points
Nagy Sándor
10 points
Seffer Zoltánné
10 points
Kis Judit
10 points
Szántóné Tér Ilona
10 points
O. György
10 points
V. Hanna
10 points
Mészáros-Baranczó Erika
10 points
Bergné Kiss Szilvia
10 points
Bölcsföldi Lászlóné
10 points
Apáti Zsuzsa
10 points
Krixné Popovics Krisztina
10 points
Wessenhoffer János
10 points
Letenyeiné Mráz Márta
10 points
Kardos Judit
My Fees and Awards
Rural Consultant of the Month
2nd Place
2022. October
My Completed Courses
- Google Ads real estate ads management training
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Social media real estate ads management
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- High-value non-residential properties and new construction project properties