8000 Székesfehérvár
, Várkörút 46.
H-P: 9-18, Szo: 9-13
They Told About Me
10 points
Papp István Sándorné
10 points
Dóra Gyöngyvér
10 points
Abonyi Tibor
10 points
Benkő Zoltán
10 points
Szűcs Tibor
10 points
D. S. András
10 points
N. Rita
10 points
Illés Márk
10 points
Varga Zoltán
10 points
Vörös Imre
10 points
H. Ilona
10 points
Bodor Dominika Budvig Marcell
10 points
Z. G. Chi
10 points
Pápai Tamás
10 points
Bodnár László
10 points
Bóza Balázs
10 points
Hári Kornél
10 points
Fogarasi Géza
10 points
V. Bence
10 points
B. D. K. Z. Klára
My Fees and Awards
Rural Consultant of the Month
1st Place
2023. June
Rural Consultant of the Month
3rd Place
2023. May
My Completed Courses
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate presentation video
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Home expert master course
- Home expert university training