8647 Balatonmáriafürdő
, Keszeg utca 12.
Hétfő - Péntek 09.00- 18.00
They Told About Me
10 points
Rigó Gábor
10 points
A. Gemander
10 points
Szi-Márton Veronika
10 points
S. Tünde
10 points
Stumpf Károlyné és Albert Zoltán
9 points
Katicsics Rezsőné
10 points
M. Ildikó
10 points
Engelbert Sander
10 points
Jonatan Popovic
10 points
Lukács Tamás
5 points
Paul San Dirk Valkenier
10 points
Bálint Mónika
10 points
Kalapos András Lászlóné
9 points
Ihász-Kovács Tibor
10 points
H. Gábor
10 points
F. István
10 points
Vonnak Alajos
10 points
Auheuer Egon
10 points
Kovács Veronika
10 points
Evelyn Reber
My Fees and Awards
Rural Consultant of the Month
1st Place
2022. March
My Completed Courses
- Google Ads real estate ads management training
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Social media real estate ads management
- Self-knowledge
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- General home advisor