8360 Keszthely
, Kossuth Lajos utca 97
H-P.: 9.00.-17.30., Sz.: 9.00.-12.00.
They Told About Me
9 points
Söjtöri Péter
10 points
Kiss László
10 points
Horváth Ivett
10 points
Orsós Rozália
10 points
Dezsőné Horváth Ildikó
10 points
Győri Gábor
10 points
Ulrik Hübler
1 points
G. István
10 points
Nagy Balázs
2 points
Papp Kornélia
10 points
R. István
10 points
F. József
10 points
Rezes Andrea
10 points
Kollár Zoltán Rajmund
10 points
Kanizsai Béla Endre
9 points
K. Emőke
10 points
Camelia Rico
10 points
Z. Ágnes
10 points
H. Zsuzsanna
10 points
Kató Gézáné
My Fees and Awards
Suburban Consultant of the Month
3rd Place
2022. April
My Completed Courses
- Vezetői alapképzés
- Office management training
- Self-knowledge
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Advanced management training
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- High-value non-residential properties and new construction project properties
- General home advisor
- Home expert master course
- Home expert university training