They Told About Me
10 points
Hornung Mariann
10 points
S. József
10 points
V. Viktor
10 points
Rabné Bencze Krisztina
10 points
S. Zsolt
10 points
G. A. Ágnes
10 points
Bernáth Mihály
10 points
Szász István
10 points
Tollas Melinda
10 points
Ankoba Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft
1 points
Lunczer Árpád
10 points
Fogarasi Zsolt
10 points
Kun Zoltán Tamás
10 points
Marcinka László
10 points
Egbertus Johannes van den Berg
10 points
Simon Ágnes
10 points
Szabó Sándor
10 points
H. Mónika
10 points
Lukács György
10 points
Tar László
My Fees and Awards
Rural Consultant of the Month
2nd Place
2023. August
Rural Consultant of the Month
3rd Place
2022. May
My Completed Courses
- Vezetői alapképzés
- Social media real estate ads management
- Effective management of Youtube channels
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- Creating a real estate presentation video
- High-value non-residential properties and new construction project properties
- Home expert master course
- Home expert university training