4028 Debrecen
, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 23-25./A
They Told About Me
10 points
Mikula József
10 points
Péter Gusztáv
10 points
Tolnai Attila
10 points
Kummer Tímea
10 points
Teleki Rozália
10 points
Győrfi Csaba
10 points
Géczy Gábor
10 points
T. Kft.
8 points
F. Tünde
10 points
Kozma Edit
8 points
Csarnai Mária
10 points
Lakatos Eszter
10 points
Nagy József
10 points
Balogh Miklós
10 points
Belicza Tamás
10 points
Z. L. Anikó
10 points
Benedek Zsolt
10 points
Báthory Anna
10 points
Dr. Nagy Levente
10 points
Smuta Lilla
My Completed Courses
- Creating a real estate market comparative analysis
- Preparation of the energy certificate
- General home advisor